Thanks so much for joining me today!

This amazing offer ends and class begins March 28th, 2022 at 11:00 AM EST

Are you ready to simplify your life?


finding your purpose

Not the answer you expected?

When you find your purpose, it becomes simple to

stock your life to meet that purpose

then let the rest go.

This is the simple truth

That makes it possible to simplify your life...

and keep it that way long term.

Here's the thing: Culture tells us that "Purpose" is some big mystical thing - very "woo woo" - and nearly unknowable. But that's not quite true. Maybe some folks experience one big life-long purpose, and that's great. But for most of us, purpose is seasonal and changes over time. And IT IS possible to gain clarity on your NOW purpose. The purpose for your life here and NOW.

Simplicity starts in PURPOSE - in your NOW purpose.

Simplicity on Purpose Includes

  • Challenging your mindsets to produce growth.

  • Exploring your Money Mindset.

  • Exploring Function, Fluidity, and Friction.

  • Exploring Conformity and Contentment.

  • Exploring Letting Go as a Life Skill.

Purchase "Simplicity on Purpose" for $27.

Scroll down to see the bonuses included!

Learning your NOW Purpose makes a world of difference when right-sizing your home!

Sometimes we focus on organizing our stuff...

when what we really long for is not just order - but true simplicity.

Sometimes we focus on status...

when what we really long for is purpose.

And sometimes we focus on belonging...

when what we really want is - not to change ourselves to fit in - but to be more authentically and unapologetically ourselves.

I lived in a 126 square feet tiny house for nearly 4 years and there was a honeymoon stage followed by pain!

The pain came from trying to fit my normal life and expectations into a micro home - and it didn't fit!

Simply cleaning out our belongings and downsizing extensively was not enough!

I had to part with some old mindsets!

Now I am on a mission to help others through the same transformation!

My busy husband and I were missing each other.

We were constantly on the go... trying to make ends meet and losing ourselves and our relationship in the process. We were starting to fray around the edges. He repeatedly landed in ER with chest pains and my adrenals were fried.

We had a "come to Jesus" conversation, sold our busy restaurant and bought a tiny house. It was time to hit the reset button on our crazy-busy frazzled lives!

In those days I began the holy work of mindset transformation, work which continues to this day. Now I deeply enjoy the financial stability, autonomy, and generosity that has become our daily lives. We have minimized the mundane aspects of our lives together and we are joyfully exploring the space that has opened up in our lives for meaning and mission.

And that's why I'm teaching this class. I want that wide open space for you!


Imagine what life will be like when

you are living with contentment and purpose.

what matters most to you?

It's time to reconnect with your core values!

I'll bet you're like me. You'd like these benefits WITHOUT.....




more specificly...

The best results of Simplicity are:


Chaos repels people & peace but clarity is magnetic. Decisions are very difficult when we're struggling through the fog.


Purpose is the north star of our existence, giving us focus in times that can feel frightening and isolating.


We tend to put contentment off to "someday" after achievements and success. But what happens when the goal posts move?

I can't even begin to tell you how much space opens up in your life when you have clarity of purpose and stock your life accordingly!

This is what I want for you, because it's a real game changer!!


Simplicity on Purpose

Five key mindset shifts to help you live purposefully:

Conformity & Materialism

Money-Positive Mindset

The Fine Art of Letting Go

When to Hold Tight

The Game Changing Power of Contentment

Function, Fluidity, and Friction


lifetime access



on Purpose

5 key mindset shifts to help you live life intentionally on purpose.

The Purpose journey

4 session intensive workshop to explore, adapt, refine and restore purpose.

Supportive community

The best part? You don't have to be alone in this journey! Your supportive online community awaits!

It's time to take another step toward Purposeful simplicity!

challenge begins When YOu're Ready

. . . . .

Take this pre-recorded class at a time that suits your schedule best.

100% money back guarantee

Our hypothesis states that by enrolling in the Simplicity Mindset that you will gain a sense of purpose so that you may stock your life to meet that purpose. This is not a class on downsizing, however, downsizing is likely to be a side effect of this class.

If for any reason our introspective mindset approach is not a good fit for you, please contact us. We will give you a full refund within 14 days.

Simply send us an email at and we’ll happily give you your money back!

additional resources:


The Simplify-My-Life virtual Summit Interviews

Carmen has interviewed many people in the tiny house community asking how they simplified and downsized their lives. Their stories and insights will inspire and remind you that you can dramatically improve your life if you so choose.


The Zero Waste kitchen mini course

Learn the key aspects of making your kitchen and food routines more nourishing and earth friendly by following the key functions including: Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and rot.


Detoxing Your Home ebook

Learn how we discovered the ratings on our favorite cleaning products and replaced the toxic ones with non-toxic alternatives, and how we removed items in our home with negative associations.


Removing The Skunky Funk

Nothing can make a small space feel uncomfortably small like a bad smell. In this ebook on air quality, learn how we conquered the skunky funk in our tiny house and how you can too.


Live Q&A Sessions

Each class comes with a live Q&A where you can ask your questions and get another perspective to consider in your journey to simplicity. These are recorded and available for those who weren't able to make the call.


Class Website

If you weren't able to make a live class, the recordings will be available on the class website and you may watch them anytime you wish.


when you Sign up before March 23rd 2022 11:00 PM

In addition to "Simplicity on Purpose" for $97 you get

these classes at no additional charge:

Simplicity HOW

$27 value

capsule wardrobe

kitchen simplicity

self care simplified

Helpful checklists

Included in the package

The Purpose


$97 value

intensive introspective journey

to clarify your NOW purpose

Supportive Facebook Group

Included in the package

Simplicity why

$37 value

Explore the four powerful motivators

that will help you

through down times

powerful mindset shifts

Included in the package

$258 value for only $97

HERE'S WHat people are saying

I will be incorporating her methods into my future tiny house living. I like the personal life touches/stories that lead to Carmen's quest for a purpose-filled life.

- David

No superfluous fluff. Just well considered and conveyed advice about coming to the place of being able to release what really doesn't matter. All in favor of allowing time....and space in your life for creativity, spiritual thought and genuine connection with the people in your world. Refreshing liberty like that escapes most of us. But Carmen was able to see the light because of her life circumstance. And she grasped the happy, creative life she wanted to lead with both hands.

- Suzanne

Carmen has created a road map to help us through. This map addresses what we need and what we can eliminate. It also encourages us to look at how we think about how we live. What are we compromising to have so much? What dreams have we put on indefinite hold? Are we living beyond our means? How much of our life has become throw-away and what can we fill the emptiness with besides more stuff? Deep questions often come with simple answers if we know where to look.

- Elaine

Are you ready for

clarity, purpose, and contentment?

breakdown of what we will learn together:

The Art of Letting Go

Conformity & Materialism

When to Hold Tight

Money-Positive Mindset

Function Fluidity & Friction

Contentment = Game Changer


All sessions are recorded! Participate at your convenience!




Billed annually, no set

up fee.

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package



Billed annually, no set up fee.

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package



Billed annually, no set

up fee.

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package

Included in the package


The idea of holding each thing in my house and asking it if it brings me joy just feels strange to me...

Not everyone wants to talk to their stuff in this symbolic fashion, and that's fine. The problem with the Marie Kondo approach is that you can still own way too much stuff at the end of all that work - and it doesn't address the mindsets that brought all those items into the house to begin with.

I downsized a lot of stuff, but I feel the stuff creeping back in. How can I keep it nicer longer?

Habits are based in mindsets, and this class will help you face the mindsets first, then give you tools to stack up the needed habits to put your new mindsets into action.

I want to buy a tiny house. I'm certain that if I can just live in a tiny house, that will solve all my problems!

It won't. A house doesn't have that kind of power but you do! I can help you learn the mindsets that will make living in a small space comfortable, and that will help you even if you don't quickly find the tiny house you want.

Couldn't I just hire a service to come to my house and clean it out and then hire movers?

Yes of course you can, but you'll lose things that mattered to you and keep things you didn't want... and you'd miss out on the mindset transformation that would help you long term.

I have way too many things, but I don't have the time and the project is too big. I'll wait till my kids can help me.

If you don't have the support system to make big changes, I think you'll find that the best part of this class is the Facebook community where we can celebrate your wins and we can help each other stay on task. Soon you'll have some momentum and you'll begin to enjoy the process. And your kids will be so proud of you!

All of the things I own have value. I can't just throw it all away - I would lose so much!

Your life purpose is so much more than living in a big box of things! Let's help you get in touch with a sense of purpose, and then you can stock your life to that purpose instead of living in a beautiful storage unit!

If you are ready

to make a bold move

to simplify your life,

Now is your time


Simplicity ON PURPOSE


on purpose

6 day online challenge designed to help you develop the simplicity mindset.

The purpose


4 session intensive workshop to explore, adapt, refine and restore your NOW purpose.



The best part? You don't have to be alone in this journey! Your supportive online community awaits

Carmen Shenk LLC - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions